The clinics are dedicated to the idea of enriching the experience between horse and rider by teaching the principles of good horsemanship from the ground through the saddle. Techniques ranging from Monty Roberts' Join-up to Sally Swift's Centered Riding are explored in depth to help students learn how the various aspects of good horsemanship work together to create the ultimate horse and rider experience. Improved skills, increased confidence and a renewed love of your sport are rewarding results of this clinic. We feel the clinic will significantly increase your enjoyment in taking other Equitours trips anywhere in the world.
The clinics are limited to 4 participants and can be beneficial to riders of most skill levels. The principles taught are applicable to any riding discipline. Emphasis is on enhanced connection between horse and rider and on centered riding skills
Topics of study include:
Psychology and ground work to give the basis for effective communication.
Improving the skill of the rider by developing a non-interfering, balanced seat through relaxation and proper biomechanics.
Effective cueing.
Helping the horse to develop and perform at its best by developing athletic movement in the horse through balance, flexion, collection and relaxation.
Putting it all together by applying the above principals to specific disciplines and situations.
Instruction can be given in either Western or English style and riders of similar skills are taught together with no more than two riders for one instructor. The clinic mounts are individually selected for their excellent dispositions, responsiveness, beauty and athleticism.
Itinerary Addendum
This itinerary is flexible and changes may occur at the hosts' discretion due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.